Thursday, May 14, 2009

Soccer....and a little bit of skunk

These pictures of Dixon aren't in order, and he did really good it was just funny to see him trying to do cartwheels when he was goalie. Check out Mercedes going for the ball against two boys. Notice who got the ball too.

Soccer is over for the season now. It was a normal spring soccer season. Very cold and lots of rain. Mercedes and Dixon both did really good. I think next year we will have to get Mercedes on a competative team. She has some good soccer moves. Plus she loves it too. Josie didn't play this year, she is holding out for softball. I'm excited for that too, she is really good. She can even switch hit.

Onto other skunk news. As I am laying here this early morning my hubby walks in from feeding, reaking like a skunk. Supposedly only the dogs just got sprayed out back. He is now in the shower and my room smells. Agh.......


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you will have your hands full running from one game to the other in a few years. How fun!!! Sorry about the skunk smell. Grandpa Pizzy was sprayed in the face by a skunk that got stuck in his garage and he smelt bad for sooo long. Aunt Anna Jane gave him a bunch of tomatoe juice to bath in but he got confused and thought he was suppose to drink it all. Needless to say it took one of his daughters hauling him into the tub before he got the idea. Ha, ha!

Coopercomics said...

Aw man!! Skunks are awful...I feel for you and your poor hubby! I am going to get my Kell bell involved in sports...this summer is a basketball camp and swimming. I gotta it as much fun as everyone says it is???

Evvie Turley said...

Too funny! I think Dixon could be a gymnas too; don't ya think? Nice form on the cartwheels! Skunk.........ugh, yuck, gross! Our garage (inside) got doused by one of those varmints last year on Valentine's Day. We woke up at 2am to the dogs barking and the house reeking of the stuff. It was so bad I almost puked. Took tons of time to finally get the smell out. I am feeling very bad for you right now...

Allison said...

Skunk stink is the worst OUTSIDE so inside it must be tens times worse. How is the house coming?